Monday, June 15, 2009

Umbilical Moonrise

Another post. Finally. I feel like it's been awhile. I've been up to a lot of stuff actually-- not gonna write about all of it here, but yea! life in the canyon definitely moves along just like life anywhere else. things change and you meet new people and you get comfortable and you have your little worries and problems and routines and blah blah. the best part about this last week was that i've hit the point where i've seen everything that is "bad" about this place, and i've come to terms with all the things that aren't like i thought they'd be, and i've calmed myself down and (for the most part) gotten rid of my homesickness (i will, after all, be home in less than two months. and it'll be great. but no need to rush it! it's summer!!)... and, after all that- i've realized that i am GLAD i came here, and that i like the things i'm learning here and the type of people i'm meeting, and how i'm seeing that where i live (and college in general) IS in fact a bubble and that wherever you go (maybe not WHEREVER... but places other than where you are), you will meet people you get along with and who have interesting things to say and like to do the things you like to do and are interested in you and all that. and i'm really glad to know that i have the ability to come out to a place i know nothing about on my own and make it! and that i have the independence to WANT to do that... like i said in an earlier post, i'm big on independence. one day, when i actually support myself and really stand on my own two feet, and can choose where i want to go and live---- i really think i'm gonna love that. that is the probably the best part about being here. i've honestly had a bit of a hard time adjusting, it is just so different, so far away from everything and everyone you know.. but it's refreshing! i love it so much, i think deep down it just rejuvenates me and makes me feel alive.
if we're being honest-- one thing i really DON'T like about it here... the creepy older men. i've seriously never been hit on so much in my life. and i'm not bragging or anything- i really have NEVER experienced this type of attention from men. and a lot of them are the kind of men you DON'T want attention from. and it's hard to dissuade them... eh. it's awkward. some of them are just being cute and flirting... but others are just way too forward and excessively obnoxious about it. it really isn't fun. i like hanging out with the cool ones- but the creeps ones are creeeeeps.... blehh. maybe sometimes people just wanna be left alone! just leave me alone, gosh honestly. it'll be a relief to get back to athens, and uga boys who have no idea you're there. that's what i'm used to, and i miss it quite honestly!
anyway. went out to this place called desert view for the sunset a few days ago. there's a watchtower there, but we couldn't go to the top because it closes at 7:30 (umm, thats like 10 minutes before sunset?? umm, dumb.) so that sucked, but it was a new view of the canyon, and you can see the desert land all along the other sign, and a big portion of the colorado river. it was neat. went w/ this guy from work, ended up chattin w/ him most of the night. he's pretty cool, told me about this game he plays in the utah desert-- it involves hiding beer and then going out looking for it. it sounded pretty fun.
worked a bunch last week. i'm actually moving from the az room to the bright angel (BA), which i am not at all happy about. i will have only two nights off a week (i'm used to having 5...) and i have longer shifts, and it's crazier in there and there's not an amazing view of the canyon. lame. ughh... but i will make a good bit more money. ughhh WHO CARES!!! damn it all. i like the az room a lot-- i do not wanna switch at all.
hiked today, for the first time in a while. it was amazing. went to this place called battleship, its down the bright angel trail, then off on this real steep rocky ridge and down some more, and its this huge rock formation. we climbed all the way to the top, it was incredible. literally rock climbing at points, through tiny cracks in the rocks and whatnot. definitely the most intense i've yet done. i had SUCH a good time, gorgeous view from the top, very adventurous and rugged area to get through to get there. had to follow these little rock piles called karens (cairns??), got scratched by many a yucca ( a reallllly sharp cactus thing), all of us ate it by slipping on rocks at some point- so much fun. hiking really never gets old. the hike back up was bit difficult. anthony and i were booking it, just wanted to get it done with. exhausting. im in maswik right now- had a big bowl of penne pasta, a grande burrito and rice, and hot chocolate. a monster meal, really. but soo gooooood!
so yea. basically i am really loving it here still. talked to multiple people who have worked in yellowstone and said that is amazing, so much to do and awesome people. blah blah-- so for a few days i was really bitter that i came here instead of there. but i am over that. i honestly like where i am, and i like that i came here, and i like the people i've met. i just don't know how i can go back to athens for 9 months after. i mean, i LOVE athens like crazy. but being stationary for that long just doesn't appeal to me. i wanna see NEW things. and meet NEW people. i've already been in athens- new things! i am already looking into what i wanna do next summer. i am absolutely gonna travel somewhere new. we'll see where-- but i've fallen in love with it. with being out in the wide world on my own and discovering things completely of my own accord! i can't even describe it, but it's so amazing and i want to keep doing it. i am just excited about all the other things and places i will see in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Kathykathkath!!!! AHHH girlfriend, i have completely been lame and busy ( i don't know what i have been doing though...haha as usual) anyways i am just sitting in my livingroom watching narnia eathing this AMAZING began tamale thing and reading your posts! i turned on warehouse when i read that one and it's SOOO good i don't think i have really listened to it before! i love reading these and hearing about what you are doing and realizing so much about yourself and your life and everything, it's so wonderful! i miss you tons and i can't wait to have a LONGGGG talk with you!!!! LOOOOOOOVE@!!!! ...TWTFL....
