Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Oh! Compressed T-Shirts! Wash Twice."

Ah. Hello journal thing. i suppose its sorta been awhile. been working quite a bit, it kind of overtakes my life a bit. ive had the past couple days off, which was nice. worked a lot last week... but it was actually kinda fun. the BA is actually growing on me quite a bit. i will probably stay there til the end of the summer rather than going back to the AZ. its not too much longer, and i make more money in the BA.
so yea. just been hangin out. havent hiked too much recently... oops. im in the process of planning my rim to rim, because i AM doing it. i also think a bunch of us girls are gonna go to the river and back and camp at indian gardens and stuff. that would be lots of fun.
ah yes. can't remember the last time i wrote, so i cant really remember whats happened since then. sketchy party where everyone was speaking spanish, left and ended up at my friend happy's place, where everyone was speaking thai.... good. hung out with him for a bit, had some wine (broke his wine glass). been eating quite a few full bags of popcorn at one in the morning... theres nothing else to eat!!
went to the pool in tusayan yesterday to lay out with lauren and lilly. it was lovely til these obnoxious kids kept running from as far back as possible and leaping into the pool right next to us. umm.... other end of the pool, kids. also was in tusayan a few days ago playing pool. but thats right, im not 21, and thus had to leave at like 9:30. so annoying! then last night me, lauren, and matt were gonna go try to play pool at maswik BUT! they were checking id's that night. they never check ids! so, there goes that. can i please just play pool?? thats all i want! gosh.
went over to ray's (bartender at the AZ) a few days ago with lauren to have shrimp gumbo. we were in the wrong building for a while, knocking on random doors trying to find him. it was pretty awesome.
like i said, i work most nights, so i haven't really been up to much. the BA is crazy, so much more chaotic than the AZ room... i miss the people in the az, and whenever i go up there they all tell me they want me back! but the BA has its perks too.. more young people. more money. so i guess im really fine with either. i do miss being able to look out over the canyon while im at work though...
oh! lauren and i hiked a bit of hermit's rest a few days ago. we were looking at all the rocks on the sides of the trail because they have all these fossils in them. like sea shells and sponges, according to some random piece of paper we found floating along the side of the trail (yes that really happened. it was crazy.) it was pretty cool. then we went off the trail for a bit out to this outcrop plateau. it was pretty fun. at one point i decided to take a little exploration up this big slope on the side of the trail. ended up sliding like six feet on my ass on my way back down in this huge cloud of dust, dragging this poor root along with me. lauren said it was really funny to watch- i quite believe her.
watched part of this awesome movie at matt's last night- can't remember what its called, but its basically just images of a bunch of random stuff, like waves or storms or demolitions, and then this awesome music in the backgroud. me and lauren were pretty much entranced.. oh, also watched this video at this other dudes apartment, for some reason i am obsessed with it.. . i just love it.
so yea. eaten breakfast at el tovar a few more times. SO GOOD, oh my gosh. cinnamon rolls from heaven. been craving mexican food for quite a while now-- gotta get to flag soon.
so yea. half way done here, or more! which is crazy. i still want to get to sedona, and hike rim to rim. and camp if possible.
i am pretty used to living here now. i feel like i know a lot of people and have stuff to do and work a lot and all that. its weird to me that i'll be going home. i mean, i still have like a month. but months pass so fast these days it seems like! i am super excited about the house and all, and seeing everyone again, and athens and downtown-- but i am loving this for now. i almost would rather stay here for longer. i am already looking into stuff to do next summer. i would really love to go abroad somewhere. i think there is much traveling in my future. i am seeing that i am not going to be a stationary person for a while, not til im older. i mean, im pretty sure grad school and whatnot is gonna have wait, because after college and i am GOING somewhere, im doing something out of my comfort zone. maybe an environmental peace corps type thing, some type of volunteer environmental thing abroad. ive already looked into working as a volunteer at different animal reserves and stuff in south africa and whatnot. there is so much cool stuff out there to do... and you really CAN do it. theres nothing stopping you, really, except thinking that you shouldn't. i think ive learned that being out here, looking at these peoples lives who are here and all the places theyve been and worked. its just so different from the pattern i see in people at home and what they do with their lives. and honestly, this appeals to me more. they have less money and less stability and i think its awesome. once again, i have this huge temptation to drop out of school. BUT, i wont, ill get my degree. blast. itll be great. i can handle two more years in athens. especially since i know that afterwards there is awesome stuff waiting for me. i cant wait for it!

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely see you doing something crazy like that. Go fot it! (I'll be there ionce you graduate to remind you in case you forgot!)
