Thursday, May 21, 2009

Listen closely, and you shall hear...

Hello FRIENDZ! It is thursday-- the um... 4th day in the canyon. it feel like ive been here a lot longer though. i must say i have had a real good time so far, the canyon is INCREDIBLE!! i mean its gorgeous to look at, there's tons of different viewpoints to see it from and it looks different from all of them, and it looks different at different times of day. then there's the hiking, the wildlife, the geology and formation (which, of course, i'm really interested in..). its just really baller, if i may say so. stuff like this just reassures me of the kinds of things im in love with and what i want to spend my life doing-- getting closer to nature and seeing as much of it as possible, and keeping it healthy and letting people know how important it is to do that. everything that involves the earth and the natural things on it just interests so much more than people... i dunno if thats bad to say. i mean humanity in general is interesting to me, but only within the scope of the greater scheme that it exists in. this is why i could never have any job that doesnt involve nature and the planet. because humans BORE me! we are BORING. well, we aren't, but a lot of the stuff we do is...
ANYWAY. what ive been up to. explored the area/town of grand canyon (yes, it is in fact a town that im living in, called Grand canyon.. hm), walked along the rim a bit. saw a CONDOR, which apparently are really rare (like 50 in the wild) but there's a lot of rehab programs for them. they are HUGE, they actually are pretty cool, but everyone was having caniption fits over it.. it was kinda toolish. we went to see the sunset at ... some point, i can't remember which one, on tuesday. it was AWEEESSSOMMEEE, i took pictures but they aren't nearly good enough to describe what it looked like. it was windy and beautiful out, and the sun rays were slanting everywhere in the canyon and the light hit some cliffs and ridges but not others.... it was amazing.
yesterday we took a mini-hike.. 3 miles roundtrip on the south kaibab trail to cedar ridge. it sounds short, but remember, im at 7000 ft. elevation! its MUCH harder to breathe hear, and sleep and function and everything else, so we were told. and its real steep, about 1100 feet drop in elevation in only 1.5 miles. it was fun though, incredible views, get to see the rim from below, which is beautiful and amazing. it was hard, but SO FUN, and im now determined to get in shape and hike rim to rim by the end of the summer. its HAPPENING, and i can't wait. i WILL get to the bottom, and the north rim. DONE.
today was orientations all day--- BORING, but we got free food at maswik, yummmy!! and i found out i will be working at bright angel lodge. yippy! and tonight we are going on the sunset bus tour along the rim- free for employees. sweeet!
i'm having a lot of fun... things may change once the job starts, well see. i just cant wait to get hiking more. thats my main goal really. and maybe get to a couple other nearby parks and whatnot. we'll see what happens!
I still have high hopes for the summer, i'm already falling in love with the canyon and all the things there are to do and the hikes. i already feel a million years away from uga and athens and everything at home. i mean, i miss it and i miss everyone, but i already feel like im in this different life that has nothing to do with that one. its weird. this kinda stuff just shows you how much bigger everything is than your own life and your own town and all the things that you think are the center of the universe. there's so many more things to do and places to see.. whenever i get away from home like this, i feel like i can never go back and that i just have to much to do and i can't be still and stationary and sit in a classroom anymore. even though i LOVE school and what i'm learning and athens and all that--- but the time is short! i just feel like i have a lot to do, and i get restless so easily...
thus the LISTENING in the aforementioned blog title.
k thats enough. write again soon-- and with pictures!


  1. Hey Kathryn. Hope you don't mind your old aunt reading your blog...but I have been where you are now, only like30 years ago and I am relating to what you are saying. I worked for the concessions in Yellowstone National Park in the summer of 1975, after my freshman year at UGA and I had never seen the west before and it just blew my mind. I also had a project a few years back just outside the Grand Canyon and I even had one with an Indian tribe at the bottom of the canyon (got to fly in and out in a helicopter) so I remember the changing colors and wildlife, etc. I am so happy that you are connecting with what the canyon is about and how it is relating to you so strongly. Don't forget to keep listening....

  2. Laura baller ArlineMay 22, 2009 at 11:12 AM

    Can I say I am SUPER UBER jealous of you?! I'll be praying God shows up and is speaks to you through nature (he created it you know:) haha But as far as restless trust me I understand and we're all held down by money and committments and history (how people before got to where they are) etc. SO I expect you to support me when I run away one day, deal? But fo cereal our 'thing' you know. jig what? shall happen. I love you dearest and miss you already :)

  3. It sounds like you are having a great time- so impressed with everything! I'm glad you're settling in nicely and falling in love with the place. We knew you would! You are going to do great things out there and have the time of your life. Missing you over here on this side of the country. Come home to meeee!
