Monday, May 18, 2009

The Beginning of the Beginning

Ok so. I'm here... in the grand canyon... alone. day one of the adventures. not too sure how i'm feeling at this point. got up at 5am GA time-- which is 2am AZ time. its now 8pm AZ time, so ive been up for about 18 hours, TRAVELING mind you!
landed first in phoenix, just gonna say NOT impressed with what i saw. took a teensy weensy plane (i mean, like 30 people, but the tiniest one i've ever been on, you board straight from the ground and all that, and the turbulence is outta control because it's so tiny, which i found kinda fun)---took this plane to flagstaff, this little cute mini airport. flagstaff is sweet. my taxi driver was real nice, found me inside and helped me w/ my baggage and stuff. he was pretty young and was telling me about flagstaff and what there is to do there and how he used to live in portland. then waited for the grand canyon shuttle-- that was cramped, and the german dude next to me kept falling asleep on me. but it was cool i suppose. finally got here! a little confusing, kept going in to the wrong offices and whatnot. didn't have time to fill out all my paperwork before the HR office closed so i gotta go in the morning in do it- THUS i didn't really learn where i'll be working or when i start or any of that stuff. i DID get drug tested for the first time though, NEAT! (it was negative by the way).
finally got to my room. have a roommate, but she wasn't around. interesting poster on the wall of a horse-woman and a dragon-man wrapped in an embrace with the words "chemical wedding" underneath it. hmmauhh what?
fell asleep in the middle of unpacking, woke up to a WINDY crazyville outside. decided to walk around and saw the grand canyon for the first time ever. WOOOOWWWAAAE!!! it was really really awesome. and it was nice out and breezy and awesome. i felt kinda dumb walking around alone, but its fine. awesome awesome view, right across the way from my building. theres lots of stuff around here, the gift shops and dining rooms and lodges and alot of tourists. i guess ill get used to it in time. i hope. got some lemonade and some pretzels, and now im just hangin out in the lounge.... i suppose a successful first day. haven't made any friends yet... would really like to know SOMEONE here. guess that'll have to wait til tomorrow.
we'll ill probaby go to bed soon... i feel like its almost midnight, and these people think its 8:15! oh, COME ON!!!
i miss my baby athens, she's such a gem and i KNOW PEOPLE there, and i know what the hell i'm doing and i don't walk around looking like a fool, a fool! (or so i think).
BUT! i'm here for now, so i suppose i'll make the best of it. i'm sure there are many suprises in store. ok well--- i'll write again soon.

PS- i do NOT understand Deal or No Deal... it is literally the most confusing game i've ever seen. k bye.


  1. yay! you made it!! I have to ride those little prop planes all the time to Louisiana and I think the turbulence is fun too! haha. You'll have to keep me posted on your roommate... she sounds interesting to say the least. Maybe similar to your first roommate at UGA? j/k - I'm sure she's cool... You'll have to post some pictures of the Grand Canyon! It sounds amazing and I am so jealous!! I'm sure you're going to meet some awesome people - fellow "granolas." haha. Keep posting! love you!

    PS - deal or no deal does make sense, but it's just stupid. My mom always makes me watch it with her when I'm home.

  2. PPS - congrats on the negative test!!! :)
