Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spider Diversity

Hello, to all my HUNDREDS of faithful followers! It is time, alas, for another update.
And, sadly, but not really because I VERY rarely update this bloggerdoo, I think this post is only to report that I will be switching to another blogsite, and a new blog, a blog that i will likely continue to update approximately 3 times a year. so, to my dedicated crew d'etat (i just googled this phrase and found out that it does not, in fact, mean anything) you are cordially invited to my new bloggertownville! i think i may periodically come back and check this one, and maybe even update every now and then, just because it reminds me so fondly of the summer of 09, which i have sentimental attachments to for a variety of reasons!
ok well, im off. hmm... maybe not to a good start... the tumblr (the new blog site) is currently down. is this an omen? maybe. or maybe its the productivity gods telling me to stop messing around and get my homework done, which is why i came to walkers with my laptop in the first place. but i dont wanna do it.. its a spider diversity homework assignment that i turned in with a partner a few weeks ago, we worked on it for hours, and got a 69 on it... ok, really???!?!! who gives people 69s on homework assignments?? so i can redo it and turn it in for more points.. but i DONT want to. i... am sick of school. wow. burnt out is the BIGGEST understatement i can think of. not to mention i am tired and kinda sick from my run earlier. ugh....
ok. im leaving now. farewell, WFAW. youve seen me through some stuff. i will miss you. (kinda). adieu.

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