Thursday, May 7, 2015

Try to remain calm!


I have been catapulted through the brick wall of ignorance.  And ya it is pretty painful.

Well, not really "catapulted"... to be fair, and a little prideful, I have always had a bit of an intuitive awareness of what is going on and the extent of truth that is being shielded from all of us (ok, to be FAIR fair, all of us have this intuitive awareness, but I feel I've always been more aware of this awareness than the people I'm surrounded by, and more dissatisfied and weary of the bizarre and destructive society we live in, but yes, all of us have this deep feeling of unease that I am referring to).

THE POINT IS- I've made large strides in the direction of understanding the (frightening) absurdity of what is going on in our world and TO US as humans, strides in the same direction I've been facing pretty much my entire life but been hesitant to move in (or dissuaded from moving in, directly or indirectly, by my surroundings, relationships, education, etc.).

Are you following?

I am so fed up with mindless living.  I see it all around me all the time and it has always really bothered me, even at a subconscious level, but it’s starting to really rise to the surface and is  beginning to cause actual anger and distress rather than just simple annoyance.  It is as plain as daylight to me now just how much we are all taught and molded to focus on all these things that DO NOT MATTER.  Not only do we focus on them, but we POUR our vital, powerful, magical human energy into them.  We do this at the expense of truly SEEING and CONNECTING with the bigger, more real, and more beautiful world around us.  Instead, we are investing our souls into things that drain, diminish, corrupt, and neutralize our innate power—our power to understand the universe and discover our place in it.  The things that we all assume are harmless are NOT.  They are symptoms of the disease of disconnection rampant in all of us, ESPECIALLY in the United States.  Our wealth is cheap and repulsive.

There are a lot of thoughts and examples behind that paragraph that to me are self-evident but that a reader who doesn’t have my mindset will not understand.  I will try to explain… but how do I put years, my entire lifetime actually, of discontent and confusion at the absurdity of our American lifestyles into a concise post?  I will not really be saying anything that has not been said a million times before, but I am a strong believer in the power of written words and feel that expressing my thoughts, however trite they may be amongst those of us who actually use our brains and our eyes (all three of them!), will release both frustration and locked up power.  Expressive freedom has amazing effects, and that is what I am looking for.

Ok so this post has officially been sporadically added to over the past two weeks, and really makes no cohesive sense whatsoever and I am not even 100% positive what precise point I was trying to make in the first place... I have a lot on my mind, pretty much all the time, and a lot of things that I would love to get out into a processable format on a blog post, but it seems that THIS post is not really destined for that type of existence.  I think it might be best to just wrap it up and hope that my next post is a little more organized.

The general point of this post (other than frustration at the lack of understanding that I see ALL AROUND ME of how our society and our world is really working right now... the extent of environmental destruction, the SERIOUS reality of humans rights violations and NATURAL LAW violations all in the name of "economic growth"- i.e. over-consumption, materialist and capitalist brainwashing, the incredibly evil doings of our (and other) government(s), and ESPECIALLY the true spiritual power, the sheer magnitude of POWER that humans possess but that is brainwashed out of us literally from day one when we are yanked unceremoniously from our drugged mothers) ---- The GENERAL POINT of this post, other than all that, IS....

INAUTHENTICITY.  EVERYWHERE.  As Tom Robbins says... "The lack of authentic experience."  Everything is a sham.  YES! YES! Please don't breeze over this quote and think "yeah, yeah, we know, it's all a sham." If you're breezing over this sentiment, if you're not disturbed and upset and annoyed and introspective about this (or have never had said feelings about this previously) then you really aren't thinking about it enough.  And if you don't think it's worth thinking about and reflecting on, then you're really missing the bigger picture on a deeper level.

THIS IS WHY I DON'T BLOG, because there's too much behind every single thing I want to say and I don't know where to even begin, where to broach the topics and get into every important aspect so that each thing is fully elaborated on and makes sense.  There's a lot of cliche and common sentiments being shared.. but I worry that people hear them over and over again and don't really understand them. Stressed.

From what I see of human life here in the developed western world, here in the United States... we are essentially living in a plastic Barbie-type dollhouse that is NOT connected to the real essence of life, the real force of the universe.  We are laughably disconnected from what sustains us and what is truly inherently meaningful to our human souls.  What are these things I'm talking about that are REAL, that are INNATELY CONNECTED to our innermost, higher selves, our shared life force?
EACH OTHER.  OUR PLANET.  ANIMALS.  LOVE (the force of awakening and expanding consciousness, not a romantic or even benevolent emotion/action, though that is part of it).  PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL connection with the LIVING, BREATHING PLANET that gives us life.  If you are not grieving, angry, confused, and discouraged daily about the state of this planet, then I DO NOT understand you and am one hundred million percent confident that you are not fully aware of the situation we are in and what it means for us a species, physically and spiritually.  Your spirituality DOES suffer along with this planet.  Guaranteed.  There is no way around that.  I know that we are raised and bred and institutionalized not to understand this... so I can't get angry and mad at people.  But to me, when this sentiment is as clear as daylight and I can literally FEEL it in every sense of my being... it just blows my mind that people don't understand this.  Your job is NOT more important.  Your master's degree is NOT more important.  Your material items (obviously) are NOT (more) IMPORTANT.  I just want people to stop posting BULLSHIT all over their bullshit social media pages all over the place and start caring and SHOWING that they care about real, actual, ACTUAL LIFE.  Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........

Oh god I am spiraling into real, whirlwinding anger.  I am going to stop blogging now.... This post is truly a disaster, but maybe it existing will release a little of my inner tension and I'll be able to come back and write a sensible and relatable post sometime soon.  We'll see.

Good luck everyone.  Please try and wake up and see the world around you, and care about it.  Please please please please please.

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