Friday, October 7, 2011

Homesteading Skills

Well, unfortunately i havent been able to really update very much. no internet... except for about an hour a week when we go to chico to do the farmers market and i get to take a break and go to a little coffee shop. today im in quincy- frank is doing a talk at the sustainability conference and im at this coffee place called pangaeas. uploaded some pics on facebook, and a video, and crept, so now i dont have much time to post before frank and sally come to get me. i want to walk down to the food co-op too. so this will be a really short post, though i may do another longer one tomorrow in chico.
things you should know: been wearing LOTS of layers recently, because the temp. dropped about 35 degrees in two days. and rain on top of that. COLD! had a fire in a wood-burning stove in my room, that made it cozy/unbelievably hot. i like that stove though... kinda want one.
been drying lots of fruit lately... too much. warning: if you eat too much dried fruit you will get sick. 5 little dried peaches is the equiv. of about 2.5 peaches. concentrated. gas....
also if you leave things too long in a dehydrator, they will get cripsy. and gross. BUT! you can rehydrate them by sprinkling water in the bag, sealing it, and setting it near a warmish spot (like the dehydrator!)
also- fresh fruits from the yard make AMAZING desserts! like apple crisp, and plum jam with walnuts. in addition to this, i need to learn baking skills, how to make pastry shells, how to make  bread, maybe even how to grow and grind grain. good real bread is amazing, everyone. REAL BREAD! i cant eat bleached and processed bread anymore... call me a snob, but i wont do it!
another thing- i love tree frogs, and counted 23 one morning while watering the little greenhouse and the garden. they like to hide in the stalks of corn, and turn awesome colors, like neon green and copper. they are SO CUTE!
i miss social life. i miss friends and doing things with people- im kinda sick of being on the farm with JUST FRANK mon-thur when sally is at work. otherwise.. just frank and sally. and me. and sarah the dog. in the middle of nowhere. no car or computer... no friends.... yikes!! its been good, but i am ready to be a young socialite again. ( was i ever a socialite?) though ive learned some coooool stuff while at this farm. namely, i want to grow fruit and make bread... and get in to fermenting and preserving foods. and eating whole foods... i.e. raw milk and butter. make my own cheese? maybe. have a dog like sarah that doesnt come inside and hasnt had a bath in 6 years? again, maybe.
i LOVE pears. namely seckel pears. people who dont eat pears are missing out.
ok, more tomorrow from chico. chico is cool by the way, lots of interest in local foods and holistic farming/etc. interesting people. like beekeepers and breadmakers and whatnot. hippy artists and old women with longgg hair and girls who dont shave their legs. some people think thats cool. others dont.
ok, farewell until tomorrow!! i do love california. i want to go backpacking on the pacific crest trail next summer. hopefully i will have a boyfriend (attractive) by then to go with me. if not, maybe just a friend (boring) or family member (even more boring).
just kidding! bye!

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