Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I wish I could open my eyes-to see in all directions at the same time

AHHHH!! why don't i write more?? oh thats right, because i literally work my life away, ahaa. 50 hours weeks are KILLER when youre not used to working, i tell you what.

but. lets be honest. i LOVE everything about this summer. well. not everything. the job can actually kinda suck at times. and sometimes i wanna go out, or am in the mood to go downtown or something, or wanna see my jokish friends from home, or my pesty pets, that kind of thing.

BUT! now that i'm inside three weeks of coming home-- im terrified! to leave! all the awesome people i have met here. why do i have to keep switching lives?!?! im so used to it here. and i like it. and now i have to leave... blast! curse it all!

well... the past few days i have actually been down in the canyon. it was- AMAZING! lauren and i hiked down the south kaibab trail on saturday. we got a late start because SOMEONE slept it (yes, that someone was me, and lauren had to knock on the door and wake me up, i was so disorientated and she was not at ALL suprised. oh, heavens. not my fault- i was up til 5 30 the night before and we had to leave by 9!) so yea. hiking down was awesome, you get amazing views of the canyon. my personal favorite was muffin man point (we named it ourselves...). we sat there for a while and admired. it was really incredible. the bottom was also incredible-- but SO HOT, wow. and-- lauren and i are GENIUSES, and did not bring flashlights into a pitch black canyon... cool. luckily we bought some at the phantom ranch shop thing. thank GOD. our campsite was right on bright angel creek- it was amazing. i was seriously amazed. in love. everything. one of the happiest ive ever been. beautiful, and so secluded and peaceful. and lauren and i sitting on the picnic table being ridiculous (sleeping bag in the dirt- sleeping in our unmentionables, picturing lauren hiking out in just her undies if her shorts blew away... HAa!). i slept in my trusty hammock... after the ordeal of trying to drag the 745 pound table across the campsite. disasters. love it.

next day- again got a late start. and hit the HEAT OF THE DAY- good. were making a book of how NOT to hike to the bottom of the grand canyon. it should be pretty good, and will probably save a lot of people. anyway-- HOT down there, made pretty slow progress along the river. which was fun, because i was just taking in the sites, and it was breathtaking. the river is amazing, and the north rim looks so close, and it is just wonderful. WONDERFUL. i couldnt look around enough (thus the title of this blog- from a death cab classic.) in LOVE! stopped at pine creek beach for a couple hours, laid in the water, on the rocks, cooled off and waited for clouds to come in before attempting devils corkscrew up to indian gardens. met some cool people down there, and dad and daughter from england and these three random young guys taking a road trip. one of them was telling us about his shrooming experience the night before and how he discovered his spirit animal ( a wolf). interesting.

finally left... hiked up to indian garden. HOT, and a little rough... but still fun. GORGEOUS. was getting back around to being able to see the south rim, in particular our area of the rim.. as far away as it was, it was comforting to be in sight of "home." i could actually distinguish which part of the rim was ours... it was cool! rested in this amazing creek, then hit indian gardens. SO BEAUTIFUL. big, gorgeous green trees and a lovely breeze, and the canyon looming up behind it, and the creek running through the middle. stopped and had a snack by this amazing old tree. i did a lot of sitting and looking on the hike. it was phenomenal.

met anthony at IG. messed with the squirrels (they are at their peak ridiculousness down there... yes, we threw rocks at some. they thought it was food. even after it hit them in the face. dumb.) then found our campsite and hung out. a lovely evening. the guys from the beack stopped by on their way up and chatted. shoulder pads and communism?? there was some conversation about that, i believe.....

then played a little cards and relaxed. mused over the mysterious wet spot in the dirt that wasn't drying up, even after several hours. (it was still there in the morning... huh.) then hit the sack! (the hammock). so incredible sleeping in that thing, under the trees and being able to see the stars and everything, down in the grand canyon. ahh. love.
hiked out the next day. not so bad, made pretty good time. except for the hail storm that started when lauren was still hiking out.... good. then milkshakes, relaxing, and wonderfulness!!

-an update-- i started this post a week ago. so i've had a whole week of events since the big hike. mainly work... and hanging out. went to williams on the train with meredith and lauren- so fun! ate at poncho "villas" (magillicuddies).. CHEESE FEST 09, good lord we ate so much cheese. then got huge pieces of pie.... then walked down the sketchiest street in all america to get to a gas station to buy beer. then back to the hotel room.. cards! and 90s music on youtube. a good night. rode home today on the train- luxury class! fo free! got to stand on the back and watch the scenery.. so gorgeous. then played some spades w/ "paco"... huh. pretty fun. tried to ride the plane in tusayan, DISASTER, ugh.... hung around at the pool. hung out at maswik (our last time :( can't believe it.. no more maswik sandwiches and pie.) rough day.
so yea- life here is good. cant believe im going back to my real life so soon. i will actually miss the bright angel restaurant---- trejo making me kiss him on the cheek, telling me he loves me (mi amor, i love you! thank you, mi amor!), john d being ridiculous in the kitchen, hearing him yell from across the restaurant. daniel sneaking chocolate milk and twix bars, maya and her ridiculous macedonian accent (In my country!!!!), ridiculously tall brad, klein and his obnoxious comments, calling me "kath," all that type of stuff. i've grown really attached i supposed. hanging out at daniels after work, having porch time w/ dawn and lauren, dawn being ridiculous ("son of a bitch!", and her sex therapy sessions). soo many things, i cant even begin to write about them all. im really worried about what home is gonna be like. what am i gonna feel like?? i am gonna miss people here so so so so much. my second life is ending! and i will never have it again!!

well i am currently on the porch (oh! the porch night where we were talking too loud and the guy in the lodge across the street yells "shut the hell up!!!!", then fire and security comes. good.). so i am pretty distracted. but i will write more soon. i just dont know where to start. what an ammmmaazzzzziiiiiiinnnngggg summer! oh, man.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I'm a tad worried too about reentering Athens after having a second life all summer. Oh well - it's inevitable!
