Monday, June 22, 2015


Several things should probably be said in this post.  Some will be, some won't.

To begin, I need a new blog.  Where I actually consistently post things that are not specifically rants and are maybe even mildly educational.  And where my profile isn't still from the day of this blog's creation when I was 20 years old, painfully so, and just a tiny bit different of a person than I am now.  But I am too sentimental to change the profile, so it makes way more sense to just create a whole new blog.

I also do not like the black background and white text.... sooo that will not be a part of my new blog.


What else was I going to say, oh my GOSH I don't remember...??? I think about so many things that I want to expand upon on a daily basis that don't get written down anywhere and then get lost in the cranial sandstorm for days, weeks, months, forever.  Though I can't really claim that any of them have been lost forever, because I suppose any of them could resurface at some point.

There are so many millions of things that I want to research and really, truly, deeply understand on a deeper level.  I want to incorporate them into my as-of-yet un-incorporated daily mindfulness routine, daily discourse with my spirit guides, daily meditation, whatever title is the least upsetting to you--- but I don't seem to even have the discipline to get the routine down, much less identifying, categorizing, prioritizing, and incorporating the topics I'd like to study INTO said "routine."  What do I do?

One of many many things I've been exploring, however superficially, is attempting to remember my dreams and thus interpret and understand them.  I have no trouble whatsoever believing that dreams are messages from our subconscious mind, images and symbols and insights from the world(s) beyond our 5-sense daily construct, and that understanding these messages and symbols can GREATLY enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, even our paths and communications with our deeper selves and with other beings we are connected with.

This "dream work" has many moving pieces and I am still sorting them out.  I am trying to severely limit any mind-altering substances--no caffeine, no alcohol, etc.--- to make sure that my mind is functioning optimally.  I suppose I could extend that credo outward to include all types of health-related lifestyle choices and changes, but I'll get into that later.  I am trying to get good sleep on a regular schedule, and have been taking notes of the dream snippets I remember.   The trouble is I remember so FEW of the dreams, only bits and pieces here and there, unless I jump out of bed in the middle of the night and right down the dream as SOON as it happens.  The vast majority of it is lost within minutes of waking up.

I'm feeling inspired.  I am going to put a journal by my bed tonight, and if I wake up from a dream that I can vividly remember, I am going to just bite the bullet and write it down.  It might ruin the rest of the night's sleep, but then again, maybe not!

I have a task- and now I am going to brush my teeth and get to bed, and finish the blog post later.

Not gonna finish it actually.  Just gonna post this lil piece:):):)