Monday, March 9, 2015

Self-Love (?)

Blogging at work is most excellent.  I shall do so now.

This is going to be really short, and is more or less for my own benefit and a means for putting this thought down somewhere where I can find it again, rather than on the back of a piece of paper that I will almost definitely throw away without remembering the philosophical nugget on the back.  I wonder how many insights and ideas I've written down and thrown away and forgotten.  It's a real shame my brain is low-functioning in the area of memory and recall...

Alas.  I am thinking about self love/self-love, and about hyphens, as I struggle to get a full six hours in at the office.  Not a typo, SIX, I really don't have that much to do.  I guess that's better then the alternative, but I wouldn't mind being a little busier.  idigress:
I've had a minor breakthrough recently about self love, and am a bit annoyed at myself for not giving this thought much thought earlier in my life.  This idea seems so OBVIOUS to me know that I think about it, and maybe it is to a lot of people and I'm just a remedial philosopher and psychological investigator, doesn't matter, I've arrived in my awareness now and it feels pretty important that I have done so.  To me.  Ahem:

Self love is much, much, much bigger than self acceptance, coming to terms with one's flaws and imperfections, and being happy with yourself the way you are and the way you look and all of that stuff.  It's bigger than valuing and appreciating your individuality and your ability to operate and connect and experience your personal physical existence.  I feel like that is the impression I've had of self love for my entire life and it suddenly seems so small and pinpricked compared to what self love actually is.  I guess that is all people ever really talk about when they talk about loving yourself- eating well and exercising and accepting your awkward laugh and your cellulite and whatever.  Which is all important and I think people do indeed need to understand and practice those things.  BUT!  LOVING yourself, I now believe, is achieved only through the ACTIVE SEEKING of your emotional, mental, and spiritual potential, and raising your awareness accordingly.  Enlightenment, basically.  Well, maybe more the growth towards enlightenment.  That is self love.  Seeking and awakening and truly desiring access to your higher self/Self.  If you are not active and intentional about growing in your awareness and your understanding of Self and Universe and your spiritual abilities, you are not practicing full self love and you will "suffer" accordingly.  This concept is going to be filtered through your religious beliefs of course (or lack thereof) but I don't think that really matters.  Like I said, I cannot believe I didn't really think about this or understand it sooner.  Self love is a pursuit of awakening and expanded consciousness.  Love is the force that presses consciousness outward and upward and in all directions.  It's so obvious!  It's so clear!  Self love is the shunning, the battle, against ignorance, close-mindedness, obliviousness, apathy, unawareness, complacency, and on and on with synonyms of those words.  It is FLEEING FROM SHEEPLEHOOD!  It is balancing your consciousness so that you think-->you feel-->you act in harmony (mark passio's words, thank you mark).

I could elaborate, but I want to get out of the office and go home for Taco Night and being forced to watch the Bachelor season finale with my silly friends.  In the name of awakening, not in the name of numbing and mindless entertainment, I assure you.  Though I definitely relish the irony I've just posed.

Ok, there's my insight.  I will come back and read it in a week or two and make a judgment call then.


Mark Passio's podcast has nudged me to this illumination.  What on earth IS happening??
What on Earth is Happening? WEBSITE :)
Mark Passio- Episode 3