Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Still poopin' along

What has inspired me to write a little blog article before work when I haven't blogged in years?  I don't know, I'll have to get back to you on that.
I have tried unsuccessfully to create other blogs in the past couple years but I can't get the templates to work with me, and I don't know how to import photos and add in different links and all the stuff that most bloggers can do these days.  Could I figure it out?  I guess... Will I? Possibly later.
What's important is my current state of affairs, though.  That's what blog posts are for if I'm not mistaken.  I am moving to San Francisco in a few months to go to graduate school at San Francisco State University, to get a MA in Geography- Resource Management and Environmental Planning.  Sounds cool right?  Sounds expensive doesn't it?  Sounds a tad cliche hm?  Fortunately I don't care about any of those things because I personally believe that the earth is doomed and don't think that any of us really have a whole lot longer here anyhow.  It's not a grim outlook, despite first appearances.  It's actually liberating.

In other news, I AM TWENTY FIVE NOW! Remember when I started this blog and I was 20?  That's kinda cute.  Actually, in some ways it feels like a lot more than five years ago that I was working at the Grand Canyon (the adventure that produced this blog. I think). Five years is a long time I guess.. these days it doesn't feel like it but how much has happened since that summer speaks for itself.

SIDENOTE- my next door neighbors are also my landlords.  I am currently on the front porch, and my landlord's brother is building a mailbox right outside the porch.  His nieces (my next door neighbor's children) are freaking ADORABLE, this from a person who is not overfond of children and not even fond of children.  Their mother is Mexican and their father is black and they are twins of ~2-3 years, girls, and they are currently bugging their uncle as he tries to work.  It's pretty great to watch.  Kids are... something else.  These two have some sort of frilly t-shirts on and pink Crocs and little pink and purple pantaloons and they're trying really hard to hang out with their unc and I don't think he's interested.  I'd get a picture but I don't want to step on any toes.

Someone broke in to my car and stole my computer last November.  I was parked near Yeah! Burger in Virginia Highlands where I was bartending at the time.  I had just come down from being at my parents' house for Thanksgiving and hadn't had time to drop my stuff at home.  My computer was hidden under a bunch of other stuff but I guess that doesn't cut it these days.  The damn thing was stolen, and my window was smashed and blah blah blah.  I was fired from the restaurant not long after that for, literally, the dumbest reason ever.  I would write about it but it is literally idiotic and I don't feel like it.  Also- a duffel bag was stolen from my car to put the laptop in.  In the bag were clothes, some tea, knitting yarn, and an unopened book of checks.  I cancelled my checking account upon realizing that the checks were gone.  I had forgotten that 4 days before I wrote a check to a big farmer's market (they don't accept credit card).  SO- the check bounced.  They mailed a letter to my parents' house, because their address is on my check because my mailbox in Atlanta is sketchy (thus the new one currently being built).  SO, my mom mails a new check to the PO box on the letter she received about the bounced check.  Wrong address I guess, because they either never got that check or disregarded it because it was from a different person, I don't know, BUT come February I get a citation saying I am being charged with check fraud.  SO NOW I get to go to court about check fraud.  Over $42.00. Original court date was scheduled for when I was going to be in Europe, so had to get that changed real quick before I left.  Still have court awaiting me in July. Talk about a rough winter!

Things are looking up for me now though!  Just thought I'd share that story.
And now I will go read Game of Thrones (Clash of King, actually, Book 2) until work.  Bye!!